IASI Level 2 Exam & Training – Autumn

IASI Level 2 Exam & Training – Autumn

IASI Level 2 Training & Assessment – Autumn

Gain your IASI level 2 Alpine with us through our Full Blast Course.

Running in Zermatt on the Matterhorn Glacier, on the highest slopes of Europe this November.

What is the Full Blast Course

Your best chance to prepare for the Level 2 exam in the shortest time possible. The course lasts 4 weeks in total, 3 of which are dedicated to training towards Tech and Teach required for the exam. On the 4th week, the IASI level 2 will take place providing you with the qualification just in time for the winter season.

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Training Overview

The on snow training runs 5 days (Monday to Friday), for 6 hours each day.
We modulate the intensity of the training to match the group's needs.  This provides everyone enough time to rest but also making the most out of the time available - we know you will have to reach your peak performance at the end of the course.

Video analysis runs everyday, to help improve your awareness of the movements you're making and the technique required to get you to the next level.

Weekly fitness training sessions are also part of the package. We recognize that 30 hours of ski training in 5 days is a lot of exercise, so these sessions aim to aid recovery after skiing;  They also run accordingly to the group's needs: the number of sessions and their length will depend on individual requirements.

Weekly teaching seminars take place in the afternoons, on many different subjects. Useful for a full preparation towards the exam as well an all round approach to your education towards the ski instructor job.
Shadowing log-in hours opportunities are also available, to complete the required schedule towards the level 2 criteria.

Accommodation and the training schedule is all organized by us. We also offer deals on ski equipment, and our expertise is also available throughout the duration of the course.

Training Packages

Depending on the individual needs we have available different packages of different length. From the single week of the Level 2 exam up to 4 weeks prep + exam, allowing everyone to sign up for the solution that best fits each individual need.

Exam only

  • IASI Alpine Level 2 exam (6 days): 660 chf

Four Weeks Package

Includes 3 weeks Level 2 ski instructor training + IASI Level 2 exam: 2.600 CHF

  • 3 weeks training + 1 week exam
  • total of 90 hours on-snow training
  • Monday to Friday, 6 hours a day
  • IASI Educators & Examiners
  • Video Analysis
  • Fitness Training
  • Seminars on Teaching, Customer Care, Ski Technique, Ski Equipment & more
  • Shadowing log-in
  • Mentoring and support

Four Weeks Full Package

Includes all the training above (3 weeks) plus the IASI Alpine Level 2 exam plus:

  • Self catered accommodation in Zermatt

Full Package Formula: 3.900 CHF

*All Subzero courses devolve part of the fee to our ChemoTherapy Support Project.

The IASI Level 2 Exam details

The IASI Level 2 is the first step to be able to work on the mountain environment. It opens up to opportunities to work in ski resorts all over the world, within a ski school.
We have trained instructors who are now working in every corner of the world, from Japan to Canada, from Europe to Georgia. Austrialia and New Zealand are also very common destinations for instructors looking to work year round on snow!

The exam runs for 6 consecutive days. Delivered by an IASI Educator & Examiner, the candidate needs to be prepared from both technical and teaching aspects.
Knowing the ski area well and being familiar with the routine of heading up and down the mountain will play a big part in achieving good results. Getting to know other participants to the course is also a good advantage to have, as the teaching scenarios are run within the group.

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Pre-requisites IASI Level 2 - Full Blast

The following is needed:

  • Valid IASI membership
  • IASI Level 1 Alpine qualification
  • Valid First Aid Certificate
  • Shadowing hours (min. 35 hours)
  • Adequate ski gear
  • Make it happen attitude!

Full Blast Dates

Training Dates:
week 1: 13th - 17th November
week 2: 20th - 24th November
week 3: 27th Nov - 1st December

Level 2 Assessment date:
4th - 9th December

Come to the mountains and go full blast!

Contact us for information and bookings: info@subzerocoaching.com

Subzero Coaching is a Licensed Course Provider of IASI.
For more info please visit: www.iasisnowsports.com

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IASI Level 1 & Level 2 - Ski Instructor Training Opportunities

If you are not a qualified in instructor yet, check out our Autumn Course to become a ski instructor!
If you are interested in a one to one coaching option, have a look at our Full Focus week and get in touch with us to tailor your training together.
Subzero Coaching also delivers other IASI modules: find out dates and detail clicking here.

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IASI Level 3 & Level 4 - Career Development

Instructors interested in training towards their Level 3 and Level 4 can count on us!
Our ISIA Level 3 course runs for 11 weeks, from December to April, with training covering all the 7 modules required for this level! Peak weeks are free from training, so instructors can teach and make the most out of the high season. For more details you can visit the dedicated page.
Our Level 4 course runs for 6 weeks through out the season, covering technical and teaching aspects of skiing. Supporting professionals all the way to the top certification. Race training can also be included, with its dedicated week in the spring time.
Both these courses offer full mentoring and support, from organizing the dates of exams to physical check ups and follow ups. Training is tailored around the group's needs, trying to be as comprehensive as possible.

subzero coaching ski instructor gap course

 IASI Level 2  - IASI Ski Instructors Training - Level 2 ski instructor training