Ski Instructor Jobs

Ski Instructor Jobs – What is it?

Working as a ski instructor is a dream job for many. But what does it consist of, really?

Ski Instructor Jobs

We are kinda joking here. But not so much.
This image actually sums up well what some of us saw before starting the job, what we’ve been through actually doing the job… and how we want to deal with it now. Teaching others to ski really is a dream job if your passion is sharing with others your knowledge of the sport. We could actually sum it all up like that. Once you are a keen “sharer” the rest, will come with training and practice.

Ski Jobs – Why?

ski instructor food

We could say that there are two main tough bits of the ski instructor job: patience and powder days. They go together because powder days are great. But many time they match with a working day. Enche the patience. The good news is that the better you get at the job the faster the guest you teach will improve. So you can go ski powder together! The other good news is that many guests cancel the lesson when the weather gets heavy. And you are free to go!
The bad news is if you are in the job purely to ski powder. You could probably book yourself off everytime it snows… but that could easily become a season on toast and beans.

Ski Instructor Jobs – How do i get it?

First of all, qualify. The “hot dog” days of the “better skier on the mountain teaches the rest” are over. They actually ended well into the 70’s. I think.
Once you gain your Ski Instructor Level 1 and 2 you are allowed to teach on snow in a number of countries. In Europe, Switzerland is probably one of the best places to do so with a L2 qualification.
Going through the process ourself we understood that a great difference can be made right from the start of the career. So we have come up with multiple solutions for people interested in working as snowsport professionals.
Our full length ski instructor courses runs in the Autumn and in the Winter. One to qualify before the start of the season, one to qualify right before Feb Half Term, the busiest 2 weeks of the winter.
The IASI exams are also open to externals (limited places) and can be booked directly with us. With or without a training week prior to the exam itself. Goes with it that to maximize the chances of success, as well as getting an indepth knowledge of the ski industry, having 7 or 9 weeks course at disposal will make a great difference!

Ski Instructor Jobs – The pay rate.

The pay rate can vary a lot depending on the area and the ski school. For a level 2 in Switzerland it floats between 22 chf/hr and 25 chf/hr. We are lucky enough to have a strong partnership with one of the most established schools in Zermatt: Matterhorn Diamonds.  Paying instructors well above the average, employing only the most motivated ones.
Generally speaking, it is always better to keep on training and move on with the qualifications. This because is actually with the Level 3 that things get real, both in terms of ski/teaching level and pay rate. With Matterhorn Diamonds Ski School we also run an Level 3 ISIA training programme, that lasts 11 weeks during the season. It combines working opportunities with the ski school during the peak weeks and  a comprehensive training with our coaches during the low season. The ideal way to keep finances up while training for the next level.

Ski Instructors Zermatt

Working as fully certified ski instructor.

Once the level 4 is complete the world really opens up, specially in Europe. Many nations that didn’t allow lower levels, are now open. France, Austria and Italy to name the main ones. Generally speaking a fully certified instructor is also able to get a job more easily also in those countries already open to lower level professionals. The step between the L3 and the L4, however, can be pretty big. Key point to success is training well for the Level 3 and not “get lost” before the Level 4. Our way of addressing this is to come up with a shorter, yet focused Level 4 training scheme. Six weeks of training, filled with technique and teaching challenges. All in the low season to interfiere as little as possible with the working hours!

Ski Instructor Jobs Switzerland

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The Subzero Coaching Coaching Team.