ISIA Vice-President America Martin Jean

Following our interview with ISIA president Vittorio Caffi (full article here) we have got in touch with all the Vice-Presidents of the association, each of them representing a contitent at the International table.
Here follow the interview with Martin Jean, ISIA Vice-President America. Together we find out more about the man, his previous experiences and his future goals and committments within the international association.
Martin, tell us about your background in ISIA and within the ski industry, before becoming Vice President two years ago.
My name is Martin Jean and I reside in Mont-Tremblant, Québec Canada. I have been participating to the ISIA General Assembly since 2007 as a representative of the Canadian Ski Instructor’s Alliance (CSIA).
I have been involved in the ski industry for more than 40 years, first as a ski instructor and later as the Program Director followed by the position of Director of Education and Members services for the CSIA. This lifetime involvement in the ski business has brought me to travel around the world to participate in many ski industry forums and gave me the knowledge of many instructors system.
As ISIA Vice-President America, what does your role consists of?
As V-P Americas, I am bringing to the table the perspective of the Americas with regards to the education and training of ski instructors and the knowledge of the snow sports industry. I liaise with the national organizations in my part of the world and facilitate the communication with the ISIA Presidium.
What have been your priorities during your presidency?
My priorities have been to familiarize myself with the on-going projects of ISIA and to the challenges the instructors in North and South America are going through.
In America, the priorities of education and training for instructors has been what we may call a student centered approach. A methodology which concentrate on what is being learned rather what is being taught by putting student’s needs first.
What are your future goals as Vice-President America?
My areas of focus in the next few years will be to increase the number of instructors to the ISIA minimum standard and offer the ISIA card to all the nations: Argentina, Chile, USA and Canada.
Second will be my contribution to the World Forum. In a few words, the ISIA Snowsport Instructor World Forum will be a gathering of the major stakeholders from the snowsports industry to discuss the challenges we are facing and to share best practices from around the world. We can expect participants in the domain of education, expert trainers, social-media, marketing, environment, snow school leaders, Human Resources, safety, tourism and ski resorts operation.
Thanks to Martin Jean for his contribution, wishing him the best of luck for his projects within the ISIA organization. Here below you can find some details and links on the nations falling under the umbrella of ISIA Americas.
About the Americans Instructors Associations
Founded in 1972, it has its headquarters in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, the association joined ISIA in 1978 and Interski in 1981.
From the ISIA Page:
“The association has marked a strong path of leadership in the quality of training, achieving a solid international recognition, placing Argentina as one of the leading countries in teaching processes.
Its slogan: Aprender para crecer, aprender siempre (Learning to grow, always learn)”.
Official Website:
The Canadian Ski Instructor’s Alliance (CSIA) was founded 1938 and incorporated in 1949 as a not-for-profit organization. It is a federally recognized teaching institution and it trains and certifies ski instructors.
As stated on the ISIA Website:
“The Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance provides excellence in education for the profession of ski teaching, contributing to the growth and enjoyment of skiing.
At the Canadian Ski Instructors’ Alliance (CSIA), we value our sport and its environment, our members, our partners and the skiing public. As the leader in the profession of ski instruction and a most valued and respected contributor to the sport of skiing, we develop a safe and positive guest experience, a progressive approach and set national standards in ski teaching.”
Official Website:
The national Chilean Ski School (ENISCHAG) was officially founded the 6th of September 1983 and joined ISIA and Interski in 1985.
According to the official report from the ISIA website:
“Our main aim consists in the association of all Ski and Snowboard instructors and members active in Snow Sports in order to guarantee them the best possible professional education and training. The association is responsible for training and advanced education of Ski and Snowboard instructors, pistE attendants and mountain guides.”
Official Website:
United States of America 
PSIA was officially founded in 1961 and formed AASI (Snowboard) as affiliated association in 1997.
Official Website:
Subzero Coaching is a sport coaching company specialised in Ski Instructors Education. We are based in Zermatt, Switzerland. Where we run winter courses for professionals towards the Level 3 ISIA Stamp as well as the Level 4 Full Certification. Our Coaching Team comes from different backgrounds and associations. Enabling us to provide excellent training to instructors belonging to different education systems.
One to one coaching, Race training camps and much more are also available for professionals looking to develop further in their pathway.
Through the collaboration with ski schools in Europe and across the world we are able to provide job opportunities during our courses as well as towards a future career beyond the time with us.
Courses also run in the Summer and Autumn, in ski domes across Europe and Glaciers in the Alps.